


During the last few decades, there has been an explosion in the number of people suffering from Candidiasis. Most of them suffer for a long time before they manage to get to the root of the problem, because despite the increasing acceptance of many alternative medicine principles by mainstream medical practitioners, most doctors still do not consider Candidiasis a disease, or do not consider it a possibility, despite the fact that so much of our modern life is apt to bring on Candidiasis – indeed it is a wonder everyone is not suffering. If you think you may be suffering from Candidiasis, first ask yourself the following questions to find out if it’s a likelihood.

Possible Symptoms
  • Are you tired all the time?
  • Do you suffer from sore throats and chest complaints that don’t respond – and may even worsen – if antibiotics are prescribed?
  • Do you suffer from recurring vaginal yeast infections, or “Jock itch?”
  • Have you developed asthma?
  • Do you have allergies or acne that won’t go away?
  • Are you having unexplained headaches on a regular basis?
  • Do you have an aversion to particular smells, such as petroleum products and certain perfumes?
  • Have you complained of infertility, poor memory, eczema and skin irritations, earaches, depression, constipation?
  • This is by no means a complete list, but you get the general idea. If any of the above sound like you, and no other explanation can be found, then ask yourself the following questions:

Have you:
  • Taken multiple courses of antibiotics, either recently or in the past?
  • Taken the pill or other estrogen treatment?
  • Silver-mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth?

Do you:
  • Eat a lot of pre-prepared food or junk food?
  • Suffer from diabetes?
  • Take cortisone or other steroid medications?
  • Frequently come into contact with chemicals or chemical vapors? (This is one of the factors which may contribute to loss of immune function).
  • If you are familiar with one or more of the symptoms in the first section, and if you answered yes to any of the questions in the second section, you may indeed be suffering from Candidiasis. Read on to find out what you should do.

What is Candidiasis?
Essentially, Candidiasis is when a set of conditions prevail that cause the Candida albicans organism to change from its normal, yeast-like state and invade the body, crowding out other “friendly” organisms which normally inhabit the body. This can be the result of illness which depresses the immune system, (Candidiasis commonly affects cancer and AIDS patients and diabetics), prolonged courses of antibiotics, or a diet of processed depleted foods which do not support the healthy functioning of the body.

Candidiasis can manifest itself through a host of unpleasant symptoms, some of them serious. Experts believe that if untreated, it can even lead to premature death, it can most certainly be responsible for reducing quality of life.

Biotin can be a real help for people with Candidiasis, for a reason that not many people know about. Candida albicans mostly exists in yeast form. When a body becomes weakened, and the conditions are right, it progresses to fungal form and sends out long tendrils, called mycelium, which can invade the body organs looking for nutrition. This mycelium can develop until they take on the appearance of tangled string under a microscope.

Biotin has the unique ability to stop this from happening. For some reason, it inhibits the development of Candida albicans from its yeast-like state to fungal form, and therefore prevents the development of mycelium. So it can be really useful in the fight against Candida. The other good news is that it is non toxic – there have been no recorded cases of toxic overdose of Biotin whatsoever, so you can take a couple of tablets a day with no worries, confident that it will help you.

Homeopathic remedy
Homeopathy works on the principal of treating “like with like.” The particular remedy needed in this case is the 6C remedy called Candida albicans.

Berberine is a constituent of several herbs, notably Goldenseal and Barberry, that has been the subject of much research recently. It has been found to strengthen the immune system, in addition to a host of other benefits. This is important for the sufferer of Candidiasis, because a weakened immune system is one of the pre-disposing factors necessary for Candida to take a hold in the body. Berberine also has marked anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, so it is valuable when fighting an infection of any kind. Remarkably, it is able to kill the invaders, while at the same time leaving naturally occurring organisms intact.

The advent of antibiotics was a very sad event indeed for the natural organisms which normally inhabit the gut of human beings. This endogenous population has been affected to some extent in nearly everyone – we often take in antibiotics of some form even when we are not aware of it, for example when the meat we eat has been systematically dosed with antibiotics through feed in order to promote weight gain in animals. Probiotics are simply supplements of these naturally occurring organisms, to bolster natural defenses. Even in the absence of a Candida problem, this can often help bowel problems, acne and other minor health irritations.

Many aromatherapy oils have anti-fungal properties, but one that is very useful when Candida manifests itself as a skin disorder – such as vaginal or oral thrush, jock itch, or eczema, for example – is Tea Tree oil. The oil of this remarkable tree, which is only to be found on the Australian continent, is one of the most effective topical agents against bacteria, viruses and fungi, being more effective for example, than Dettol or chlorine bleach. However, amazingly, it is so gentle to the skin that even babies can use it. Ideally, it should be added to a quality skin lotion, or to a suitable carrier oil, and rubbed in to the affected area.

Many naturopaths recommend a special diet to eradicate Candida. It is not an easy diet, but it has been proven to be effective. The main elements are that carbohydrates and fruits should be eliminated – no sugar whatsoever. Only protein, vegetables and salads should be eaten for anywhere from two – three months, or even longer. The theory is that Candida can be “starved out” if all its nutrients are removed. Of course, being a fungus it is particularly fond of sugars and other carbohydrates, but above all, Candida loves yeasts. This means absolutely no bread, cakes, or any other products which contain yeast. Perhaps worst of all in this connection is alcohol. The dietary supplement, brewer’s yeast should also be avoided. An important point here is that biotin should be taken throughout the duration of the diet, as Candida does tend to produce mycelium if it feels that nutrition is being withdrawn – the mycelium enable it to find nutritional supplies from body organs it would not otherwise reach. If it is felt that this diet is too difficult to undertake without some kind of help, a naturopath may be consulted who can give advice about this and other aspects of the fight against Candida.

Supplements of Fatty Acids
Supplementing your diet with carefully-chosen fatty acids can take you a long way:
  • Black seed oil is a natural immune system enhancer, and so is important. It will also fight organisms that are foreign to your body, so it’s helpful on more than one front.
  • Oil of Oregano is also anti-pathogenic and has a great effect on your immune system.
  • Caprylic acid is highly effective in combating any kind of infection including Candidiasis.

Garlic can be very useful to sufferers of Candidiasis, as it strengthens the immune system, and has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. For those who dislike the smell or taste of garlic, odorless capsules can now be obtained from health food stores.

The goal with the above treatments is to starve the Candida albicans, and encourage friendly organisms to flourish. Only natural substances have this ability: the medications your doctor may prescribe will also attack organisms that live naturally in your body. At the same time, every effort must be made to strengthen the immune system. This may involve taking vitamin supplements, herbal remedies, and ensuring that the diet contains first class foods, fresh and unprocessed, vegetables and salad being as fresh as possible.

In addition, it is very important to avoid antibiotics, cortisone or other steroids, and chemicals, whether through physical contact or in the environment, during the period of recovery. Again, a naturopath will be able to help with any of the above suggestions, and may suggest additional measures to be taken.

Source: www.scribd.com, article by Patricia Skinner

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